• IYFR Plastic Free Waters

IYFR Plastic Free Waters

28. June 2021

The Pomerania Fleet, which was blocked in its activities during the pandemic, looks to the future with great hope. However, the virtual meetings and discussions have broadened horizons and are bearing fruit. Thanks to the long-standing cooperation with ISSA Global (International Sailing School Association), to which sailing schools all over the world are affiliated, we are not only able to bring sailing closer to people, especially young people, and teach them this art, but also make an important contribution to making the waters plastic-free. Through a joint decision of the Pomerania Fleet Bridge www.pomeraniafleet.pl and ISSA Global - the oldest international organisation responsible for standardising education and sailing certification in Europe https://issa-schools.org we have joined and adopted the strategy of the "IYFR Plastic Free Waters" project led by PIC Sergio Santi. The impact of this much needed initiative can be approximated by the number of countries and schools in the ISSA - Association of which our future RFC 2021/23, our Pomerania Fleet Training Officer Tomasz Lipski, is the current President.

The project will be led on behalf of the IYFR Pomerania Fleet by Officers Herald Schoene and Dieter Ambrosius VFC 2021/23. Project coordinator between the Pomerania Fleet and ISSA Global is PFC Jaroslaw Wistuba, also ISSA Global representative in Germany.

Together we move...plastic!

IYFR Best regards

FC Gert-Heinz Hirschmann / PFC Jarek Wistuba



PDFPlastic Free Waters - Strategic Plan